Heathfield Consumer Mains

Project type
SA Water
Date Complete
December, 2019
Jessica Court

Heathfield Consumer Mains

Team Civil was engaged to install new conduit from the Jessica Street wastewater pump station to the SAPN power pole as previous infrastructure was above ground and damaged during a significant weather event.

Scope of works performed:

Principle Contractor – SA Water engaged Team Civil to install new consumer mains for the Heathfield Wastewater Pump Station. The construction works included hydro excavation to an existing SAPN stobie pole to remove cable into a newly installed P5 class A pit for connection of new 200m cable, upgrade of the existing main switchboard in the WWPS, directional drilling below sections of the alignment where trenching was not a feasible option due to access or location of significant trees, hydro excavation to establish old consumer mains and around tree roots of significant trees in the alignment.

In addition, Team Civil was required to work near a local primary school, maintain access tracks for the public, and conform to SAPN & SA Water construction requirements (including permit approvals), while ensuring the Heathfield WWPS remained in operation.

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